IT, Digital and Cybersecurity

BEP, BacPro, BTS, DUT/BUT, Licence, Master... IT training courses are available at all levels and the jobs in this sector are incredibly varied.

forum des métiers du numérique

IT Studies

Here are a few post-bac courses in this field. And remember, nothing is final. You can start with short, vocational studies and then decide to go on to Master's level... or even Doctorate level if you are interested in research.

  • BTS (Bac+2)
    • BTS Services Informatiques aux Organisations (BTS SIO)
    • BTS Cybersécurité, Informatique et réseaux, Electronique (BTS CIEL)
  • The preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles
    • Filière Mathématiques-Physique-Ingénierie et Informatique (MP2I)
    • Filière Mathématiques-Physique-Sciences de l'Ingénieur (MPSI)
    • Filière Physique-Chimie-Sciences de l'Ingénieur (PCSI)
    • Filière Physique-Technologie-Sciences de l'Ingénieur (PTSI)
    • Filière Technologie-Sciences de l'Ingénieur (TSI)
    • Filière Adaptation Technicien Supérieur (ATS)
  • BUT (Bac+3)
    • BUT Informatique (BUT Info)
    • BUT Réseaux et Télécommunications (BUT R&T)
    • BUT Métiers du Multimédia et de l'Internet (BUT MMI)
    • BUT Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle (BUT GEII)
    • BUT Statistique et Informatique Décisionnelle (BUT STID)
  • General licences (Bac+3)
    • Licence Informatique
    • Licence Mathématiques - Cette licence propose des cours de maths mais également d'informatique (modélisation, simulation numériques, logiciels mathématiques) et des projets interdisciplinaires. 
    • Licence Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées aux Sciences Sociales (MIASS)
  • Professional licences (Bac+3)
    • Licence pro Informatique
    • Licence pro Métiers de l'informatique
  • Master degrees (Bac+5)

There is a wide range of masters specialisations in all areas of IT. Check out the platform and the Campus France online catalogue.

  • Engineering and/or computing schools (Bac+3 to Bac+5)

The title of engineer is a professional qualification awarded by more than 200 schools in France whose courses are accredited by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CTI). This qualification is available after 5 years' study following the baccalauréat. Computer science schools can also offer state-recognised professional qualifications other than engineer.


Careers in IT

From the first discussions with a customer to the market launch of a digital project, from the creation of a video game to that of an e-commerce site dedicated to beauty, from the design of intelligent sensors enabling machine tools to communicate with each other to save energy and rare materials to the programming of robots used in operating theatres for delicate operations, not forgetting the writing of stock market algorithms, many professions are involved. Here is a selection of them, classified by field of activity.

In the IT sector, there is a very special branch: cybersecurity. You read about it in the newspapers, see hackers, cyber-criminals and specialist police officers tracking them in films and on television. But what is the reality?

These days, there are real needs. Discover the many facets of cybersecurity.