Tools for project conception

Tools for project conception

Developing a study or professional project depends above all on a good self-knowledge: whatever the level of study or the age, we all have something to learn. In order to help you build your project, we offer different tools to support you while sketching your approach.


Personalised interviews

Interviews with guidance professionals, helping you to:

  • Take stock of the current school or university year.
  • Take stock of your skills and your interests.
  • Clarify your situation after a period of indecision, failure or drop-out.
  • Consider and prioritise the possibilities that may suit you.

GPO software

GPO is an evolutionary guidance software designed for middle and high school students.

GPO college:

With interactive quizzes and databases on training and jobs, young people find modules adapted to their needs and questions. Guidance is explored in a playful way.

GPO lycée :

Several modules are offered:

  • Questionnaires focused on professional interests, preferred professions, various types of studies (GPO3 Lycée only) and values (GPO3 Lycée only),
  • Information on “Parcoursup” (France’s higher education registration digital platform) and the renovated baccalaureate,
  • Databases on higher education according to the divers study paths and  professional sectors,
  • Job descriptions linked to the ONISEP website

The outcome of those modules allows the student to prepare the guidance interview with a wealth of information.

Specialised books

A specific collection on guidance includes books to help students think about their future:

  • "Bien s'orienter après la 3ème » (Finding a good orientation after middle school)
  • "Parcoursup mode d'emploi” (Parcoursup, a user guide)
  • "Anticipez vos études sup !” (Prepare for your higher education studies!)
  • "Licence pro : bien choisir sa formation » (Vocational bachelors : how to choose your formation well)
  • "Suis-je fait pour la classe prépa?” (Am I cut out for a preparatory class?)
  • "Quelles études sont (vraiment) faites pour vous ?” (Which studies are (really) meant for you?)
  • "Pour quel métier êtes-vous fait ?” (What job are you suited for ?)