Higher education qualifications in Monaco
Three Brevets de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) and various other higher education diplomas can be studied in Monaco.
BTS in Management Support (Support à l'Action Managériale)
The assistant manager supports management staff in the fields of human resources, company law, communication, etc. Holders of the BTS are able to organise events and travel, manage information and take charge of a number of administrative files or files directly linked to the general activity of the organisation.
Speaking two or even three languages is an integral part of the job.
Lycée Albert Ier
4, place de la visitation - MONACO
Tél : +377 98 98 80 54 / https://lycee-albert1er.gouv.mc/
Application form to be submitted before June to the lycée secretariat (to be collected from the lycée or downloaded from the lycée website).
BTS in Accounting and Management (Comptabilité et Gestion - CG)
The holder of a BTS is a senior accounting technician. They may work in an accountancy firm, in a company's accounts department, in a bank, insurance company or government department.
Their work involves translating all commercial or financial transactions into accounting terms and drawing up the corresponding documents. They also analyse the information at their disposal to prepare management decisions. They are familiar with specialised hardware and software and are able to participate in their department's IT projects.
Lycée Albert Ier
4, place de la visitation - MONACO
Tél : +377 98 98 80 54 / https://lycee-albert1er.gouv.mc/
Application form to be submitted before June to the lycée secretariat (to be collected from the lycée or downloaded from the lycée website).
Diploma in Accounting and Management (Diplôme de Comptabilité et de Gestion - DCG)
The DCG is a French diploma recognised by the State at Licence level (bac+3) which enables students who have passed a BTS in accounting and management of organisations or who hold a DUT in Business and Administration, option Finance-Accounting, to continue their studies with a view to obtaining a Diploma in Accounting and Management.
This diploma is the culmination of a study undertaken in consultation with members of the Ordre des Experts Comptables de Monaco and the Direction du Travail. The course also includes a programme focusing on the specific features of Monaco, particularly in terms of accounting, law and taxation.
The course lasts 2 years.
Lycée Albert Ier
4, place de la visitation - MONACO
Tél : +377 98 98 80 54 / https://lycee-albert1er.gouv.mc/
Application form to be submitted before June to the lycée secretariat (to be collected from the lycée or downloaded from the lycée website). Admissions based on applications.
BTS in Hotel and Catering Management (Management en Hôtellerie Restauration)
The 1st year of this BTS is common to all students. It focuses on the fundamentals of cooking, service and accommodation. The aim is for students to acquire a wide range of skills. A significant part is devoted to food hygiene and conservation rules, stock management, basic culinary techniques and customer reception and service. The syllabus also includes lessons applied to the hotel and restaurant industry: concepts of human resources, law and accounting are integrated into a course on entrepreneurship and running a hotel business. Adapting to new consumer trends and digitalization is covered in management and marketing, as is team management. Finally, two foreign languages, including English, and French are included in the programme. There is a 16-week work placement during the year. At the end of the 1st year, students choose one of the following 3 options:
- Option A - Restaurant management (Management d'unité de restauration)
- Option B - Culinary production unit management (Management d'unité de production culinaire)
- Option C - Accommodation unit management (Management d'unité d'hébergement)
Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco
7, allée Lazare Sauvaigo - MONACO
Tél : +377 98 98 86 72 / https://lycee-technique.gouv.mc/
Application form to be submitted from April onwards to the lycée secretariat (to be collected from the lycée or downloaded from the lycée website).
State Diploma in Nursing (Diplôme d'État Infirmier)
The Princess Grace Hospital's IFSI, Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers, prepares students for the State Diploma in Nursing. Created under a special agreement between the Monegasque and French governments in 1923, the school prepares students for the French diploma: DE Infirmier.
IFSI - Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace
Avenue Pasteur - MONACO
Tél : +377 97 98 98 60 / https://www.chpg.mc/etudiants-professionnels/lifsi/
Registration on Parcoursup.
Diplomas from the International University of Monaco
The International University of Monaco (IUM), a private higher education institution, offers Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral courses in English in the fields of management, finance and luxury.
A ministerial decree defines the diplomas awarded by the IUM and recognised by the Monegasque State: Ministerial Decree no. 2018-300 of 4 April 2018 recognising the diplomas awarded by the International University of Monaco.
International University of Monaco
2, avenue Albert II - MONACO
Tél : +377 97 98 69 86 / https://www.monaco.edu/
Registration on site or online on the school's website.
Diplomas in Fine Arts (Diplômes d'Arts Plastiques)
ESAP, the Ecole Supérieure d'Arts Plastiques, under the responsibility of Monaco City Council, awards diplomas in higher artistic education (DNA, DNSEP).
Pavillon Bosio, Art & Scénographie, Ecole Supérieure d'Arts Plastiques
1, avenue des Pins - MONACO
Tél : +377 93 30 18 39 / http://www.pavillonbosio.com/
Admission by competitive examination: two sessions per year in March and September.
Application pack to be collected from the school or downloaded from the school website.