Studying health and social care after the baccalauréat

Studying health isn't just about becoming a doctor. Here are the main post-baccalauréat medical courses.

To find out about other courses and careers in the health and social care sector, visit the "Studying health and social care after 3ème" page.

New healthcare admission routes

ATTENTION: Some universities do not offer the PASS, only L.AS. This is the case for the Université Côte d'Azur in Nice.

  • Licences with option « accès santé » (L.AS)

These courses are bachelor's degrees in different disciplines, with a "health access" option. They may also be offered by universities that do not have a health faculty, in order to improve the distribution of training across the country. If admitted to the health option, students join a health faculty in their 2nd year.

  • Parcours d’accès spécifiques santé (PASS)

These courses can only be offered at universities with a health faculty. Within this pathway, students choose an option that allows them to continue into the 2nd year of the bachelor's degree if they are not admitted to the health stream. It is not possible to repeat the 1st year of this course.

  • Short health courses

Dans certaines universités, il peut être possible de candidater aux études de santé à partir d’autres formations en santé (infirmier par exemple). Ainsi, un lycéen ayant choisi une formation de santé courte peut bifurquer vers une formation longue.


As specialists in the treatment of movement and motor disorders, as well as functional deficiencies or impairments, physiotherapists adapt their techniques to the patient. They use specific techniques, adapted to each patient, to mobilise or stimulate damaged or altered tissues or muscles, and to carry out corrective or compensatory neuromuscular re-education.

After completing a PASS or L.AS degree or a degree in Biology or STAPS or Sciences-Technology-Health, 4 years of study at an Institut de Formation en Masso-Kinésithérapie (IFMK) are required to obtain the Diplôme d'Etat de Masseur-Kinésithérapeute (Master's degree).

Nursing studies

Since the start of the 2019 academic year, the reform of access to health studies has also applied to the Instituts de Formation en Soins Infirmiers (IFSI): the competitive entrance examination has been replaced by a review of candidates' applications. To be eligible for admission to an IFSI, candidates must hold a baccalauréat or equivalent qualification and be at least 17 years old by 31 December of the academic year. Students then spend 3 years studying at the IFSI.

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